Chithram (English: Picture) is a 1988 Malayalam screwball comedy film written and directed by Priyadarshan. The film was produced by P. K. R. Pillai under the b...
Chithram (เดเดฟเดคเตเดฐเด) Malayalam Full Movie - Super hit comedy film written and directed by Priyadarshan, based on a story by Sreenivasan.The film was pr...
Classic scene of Srinivasan in Chithram (เดเดฟเดคเตเดฐเด), a Malayalam screwball comedy film written and directed by Priyadarshan, based on a story by Sreeni...
Chithram (เดเดฟเดคเตเดฐเด) Malayalam Full Movie - Super hit comedy film written and directed by Priyadarshan, based on a story by Sreenivasan.The film was pr...
Classic scene of Srinivasan in Chithram (เดเดฟเดคเตเดฐเด), a Malayalam screwball comedy film written and directed by Priyadarshan, based on a story by Sreeni...